Sarah saw a substitute OT this week who hadn’t seen her in several months. The OT was very impressed with Sarah’s work. Sarah made a snail by cutting, coloring, and glueing, and she did some writing. Amy had a playdate and she and her friend left a big pile of dress ups on the floor… Read more »
May 2017
May 20
Sarah was outside and saw a neighborhood boy running by. She looked up and waved and said hi. He waved and said hi. It was so easy and normal I wanted to explode with joy and also implode crying with joy, but I kept it all inside me as if it was no big deal…. Read more »
May 15
This week contained moments where Sarah responded to my “goodnight, I love you” with “I love you mom” and at another time she thanked me for something! Small miracles all the time! Amy had her school spring concert and the concert itself was adorable and wonderful. Getting out of the house was a bit fraught… Read more »
May 7
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Why is the island in our kitchen wet? Why are there drips coming from the ceiling? Puzzlement, light-fixture-removing, ceiling-busting moments later Carl and our neighbor discovered the problem was a hole in a pipe. They also discovered some electrical situations that need to be remedied so actually the leaking pipe was… Read more »
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