Remember when I wrote I was having more relaxed space for my nearest and dearest? I’m not sure where that space went. If part of that newly acquired space was due to my expectation of a more open schedule, then perhaps it is no surprise that a completely packed week of work (despite some cancellations… Read more »
Jennifer Briggs
February 25: Brought to you by the letter C
This update is brought to you by the letter C. C for Covid. C for construction. C for car. C for cuttin’ a rug. Sarah didn’t have school on Monday because of President’s day, but she did have the sniffles so I tested her for Covid and that is what she had. Before testing her… Read more »
February 18: The End of an Era
This has been a monumental week, although in paragraph form it will seem short. On Tuesday Carl and I had one of the best days of our lives. After the girls were on their way to school, we drove to Delaware for a short visit with my dad and stepmom. Then we drove up to… Read more »
February 11: Going Really Well/Not-Well
Rehearsal on Tuesday was simultaneously not great and really wonderful. How can something be both? Well, at first glance, it did not go well because Sarah was wearing her new windshield wiper shirt to which I had attached letters spelling out “windshield wipers.” She was so distracted by her love of the shirt and the… Read more »
February 4: Birthday Celebrations Galore
Sarah has a life-changing new skill: swallowing pills! For the past many years, twice a day, she has opened six capsules of an anti-seizure medication to sprinkle on a small serving of yogurt. When we travel this means I always need to obtain yogurt or a similar vehicle for the tiny balls Topiramate. One evening… Read more »
January 28: Rehearsals and Ridiculous Car Business
Rehearsals for “All Shook Up” have begun! Last Sunday Sarah and I were at her school for three hours. The first hour was a talk by the director about all of the various nuts and bolts of the show and program ads (required for participation), and rehearsals. The next two hours were a read-through of… Read more »
January 21: So Many Snow Days – Sort Of
There was only one day of in-person school last week. Monday was a holiday, Tuesday was a snow day, Wednesday was a “flexible instruction day” because of the cold, and Friday was another day for schooling at home, which is what a Flexible Instruction Day means. Having assignments to help Sarah complete took me right… Read more »
January 14: Snow Delays, Sledding, and Schroth
Amy graduated from Schroth therapy!! She still needs to do the exercises at home, but she doesn’t need to go in to the Children’s hospital every week or two to see her physical therapist. This is huge. We are both so happy about it. I like her physical therapist very much, but it is a… Read more »
January 7: Parties, School, and Being Present
Happy New Year! We celebrated New Year’s Eve at home with two other families. They are families of some of Amy’s best friends so she was not ready for the night to end at midnight. They could have played for many more hours. Meanwhile, Sarah went to bed at her usual 8:30! To pass the time until midnight Amy… Read more »
December 31: Snorkeling
Our plan, whenever going somewhere sandy, is to spend time at the beach and the pool, the beach and the pool, the beach and the pool. Our trip to St. Thomas worked beautifully for that plan. We also had the added bonus of having Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop with us too! We stayed at a place… Read more »
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