Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

February 9: Flexibility

Alright everyone, please wear your best musical notes and stripes! Anticipating her upcoming adventure with her aunt and uncle to see a performance of Goodnight Moon, Sarah eagerly instructed an imaginary group of people about how to dress for the show. It occurred to me that no one ever is normally given the instruction to… Read more »

January 26: Book Launch Milkshakes

I thought Tuesday was a big day, but yesterday was one of the biggest most wonderful days of my life. Tuesday my book officially became available, and that was surreal and exciting to see people’s pictures as they held their pre-ordered copies. To celebrate the day we made milkshakes, commemorating the moment so many years… Read more »

January 12: Unplanned Adventures

For all of the events described in the next few paragraphs, know that everyone is alive and well. We just had a few adventures. Last Sunday the forecast for Pittsburgh was a formidable 4 inches of snow, so you can see why the schools felt they had to close! And to make that decision Sunday… Read more »

December 15: Best Review Ever

As we decorated our tree last Sunday, Amy commented on how we have many ornaments with pictures of young Sarah over the years, but no ornaments with pictures of her. This is because the Sarah ornaments were from her schools, and Amy has gone to different schools. To remedy this inequality, Amy drew two pictures… Read more »