December 23

When Sarah came home from school on Tuesday, she immediately asked me for striped fabric or fabric on which she could draw stripes. She desperately wanted to make a pair of striped pajamas for Sc. I asked Sarah if it would be ok to instead ask Sc to bring a pair of her own pajamas. She said it would be, but clearly had stripes in mind. I sent a message to Sc, indicating Sarah’s hopes. Almost too perfect to be believed, Sc arrived with a pair of red and white striped pajama bottoms. Sarah was delighted. Her dream came true. Sc is seriously one of the most amazing people I have ever known, and not just because she can produce the perfect striped pajamas on demand.

We have been marveling of late at Sarah and Amy’s interactions. Carl overheard the following conversation.
A: why are you wearing your shoes?!
S: I’m going on a trip
A: where are you going?
S: to New Jersey
A: why New Jersey?
S: to see my family
A: we don’t have family in New Jersey!
S: it’s pretend

Generally, Sarah’s conversational fluidity is ever increasing and it is wonderful to hear. Sarah and I have also had harmonious mornings and good times in general. She is allowing me to sit at the table during breakfast without it derailing her focus or willingness to eat. She even sits on my lap sometimes.

During her time with G, Sarah drummed on a pretend drum while singing “The Little Drummer Boy.” Sometimes the girls sit together at the piano while Sarah plays “Raccoon’s Lullaby” and they sing a duet. Sometimes they launch into a duet of “Jingle Bells” or they sing and dance to action songs they have learned from YouTube videos. One has lyrics of “I’m so happy, oh so happy.” It makes my heart sing to watch them sing and dance together.

We went to our mountain house and had a wonderful time playing in the snow on Saturday. Gorgeous snow coated everything and we could play on the woods right outside our house! The driveway is steep enough for sledding! We had new Freezy Freakies gloves to remind me of my childhood. It was magical. So was my afternoon of reading on the couch and then napping.

There is a special place in my heart for mispronunciations, misspeaking, or misspellings of a certain sort. I’m not sure how to categorize it except that they make me laugh till I cry. Recently a friend posted something on Facebook that began with a completely correctly spelled and appropriately used “relishing.” I, however, read it as “re-lishing” as if “lishing” something again. Upon realizing my error I laughed till I cried. I laughed until my abs hurt. I laughed at myself for laughing. It was the best. I am still re-lishing the moment.

Lots of love to all of you. May you have a moment worthy of relishing no matter how you look at it.

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