This week I did a lot of interviews! It is so exciting to be talking to people about my book, and it also comes with a learning curve regarding technology. I used headphones for some podcasts but not others. For one, I recorded my half of the audio using Audacity. I did an instagram live interview on Spark Joy With Amy where the simple easy way to join didn’t work for a couple eternally long minutes. Unfortunately I think this means that many people start to watch it and give up before I even appear. I was interviewed by a local newspaper and found out that the article had been printed when a friend emailed her congratulations on the article. I was also honored to receive a 5 star review from For The Love Of The Page. Many of the podcasts haven’t yet been aired so I can’t give you the links to them, but rest assured that I will let you know when they are available.
In addition to the interviews, the week was also filled with very small amounts of snow, in my estimation of accumulation. But, that was enough for a two-hour delay one day (also due to the cold but that was nothing compared to what is coming) and for a full-on snow day on Thursday. While I thought I was in a new era of my life where I don’t need to get stressed about a snow day because I don’t have clients or classes to cancel, now I have a new kind of stress when I have an interview and need everything to be QUIET. It all worked out, but I was still a bit anxious about it. Sarah was very upset about the snow day because she really really really wanted to go to school with her bus driver. It was at least better to have a snow day than to have school without bussing, which is what happens if the public schools close but her school stays open. She would much rather skip school than have me drive her. Not that she doesn’t enjoy driving places with me, but for school she wants things how they usually are.
Last Sunday, Carl took the girls out of the house so that I could have everything quiet for an interview. He took them to Phipps conservatory to see the new orchid display. They had a great time, especially seeing Godzilla battling giant spotted lantern flies. Sarah also delighted in reenacting the moment when the jeep went into the ditch the night before.

A year and a half after having my manuscript accepted for publication by She Writes Press, I can’t believe the wait is nearly over! Tuesday January 21 is just around the corner and then Watching Sarah Rise will be available! It will be out in the world! I know that it may not actually be on display except when I am doing an event. I know many stores may only order it when someone walks in and asks for it, but maybe just maybe some stores will decide to feature it. If you are ever out and about and happen to see a copy in a bookstore, please let me know. That would be so exciting.
It’s an interesting thing to promote one’s work. I keep trying to balance enough promotion with not overdoing it, having no idea if there is an actual balance beam under me or not. I remember years ago when I didn’t tell a friend that my birthday was coming and she said later that I should have told her, and that in general people want to know such things. So I’m trying to view it not so much as promotion as it is sharing information that people would be disappointed not to have. To that end, my upcoming author events are as follows. If you know anyone who might be interested, please spread the word.
Penguin Bookshop
Sewickley, PA
January 25 from 5-6pm
In conversation with Elizabeth Fein, author of Living on the Spectrum: Autism and Youth in Community.
Please RSVP via the linked bookstore if you plan on attending.
Main Point Books
Wayne, PA
February 8 from 6:30-7:30pm
In conversation with Nancy M. Schwartz, author of Up, Not Down Syndrome.
Please RSVP via the linked bookstore if you plan on attending
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
March 2nd at 4pm
In conversation with Joseph Arnold, author of Soulforce.
There is no RSVP yet.
If you plan to come to an event, please wait to buy your book from the bookstore or pre-order it through them. If you can’t come to an event, you can preorder online or go to your own local bookstore and ask them to order it for you. This would help the book get on their radar. If you get the book and read it, please leave an honest review on Amazon. If you are so inclined to add your review to Goodreads and Barnes and Noble, that would be great too. Thank you in advance!
As I write, Sarah is happily watching an episode of Daniel Tiger with my brother who is visiting for the weekend. We always have fun when he visits, but Sarah seems extra attached to him this time. Sarah’s first question upon coming down for breakfast is to wonder where her uncle is. When he is around she is glued to his side, enjoying pointing out the various Peanuts characters on his shirt – the shirt that matches hers from Thanksgiving.
Having more time with Sarah this week due to school delays and closures helped me see how often I’m in a mode of not being entirely present with her, and thus being sort of annoyed by her repetitive questions or statements. That is not how I want to be. As my interviews and book are so much about loving one’s kid and moving through difficult feelings, I looked at my feelings more this week. I realized that if I stopped whatever other thing I thought I wanted to do, even if it was just thinking about something else, and really turned my attention fully to Sarah, then my annoyance instantly disappeared. I felt calmer and happier, remembering the quiet magic quality that I felt sometimes in the Sarah-Rise room, when I didn’t need to attend to anything except connecting with Sarah. I can tell that Sarah feels the change in me when I am more present because the light in her eyes becomes brighter. What could possibly be more important than that? Certainly not meal planning or laundry or the Spelling Bee.
Lots of love to all of you. May you find a quiet magic moment where there is no balance beam to find because the floor of being present is vast and wide.
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